Identify common potential anomalies in deep mutational scanning data, for example an unusual distribution of ER scores or unexpected cluster assignment. Some checks require the data to be annotated and will be skipped, with a warning, if it is not.

check_data(x, warn = TRUE)





Produce warnings when anomalies are detected.


Data frame of anomalies detected


The following checks are performed:

  • Median ER is positive, suggesting it has possibly been inverted.

  • Mean WT |ER| > 0.1, suggesting an incorrect sequence.

If x is annotated the following additional checks are performed:

  • Positions fall outside the mutational landscape, suggesting they may have unusual function or the experiment selects unusual properties.

  • There are an unusually high number of permissive positions, based on a binomial test. This can suggest a weakly selective region or experiment.


check_data(deep_scans$p53, warn = TRUE)
#> Warning: x is not annotated, skipping some checks
#> # A tibble: 0 x 3 #> # … with 3 variables: id <chr>, cause <chr>, explanation <chr>