deep_mutational_scan S3 objects support most generics that make sense for the data structure. Mostly these operate on the underlying list object, although specific format, print, str and dim methods are provides to make working with the object more convenient. The dim method provides a direct short-cut to the main data frame.

# S3 method for deep_mutational_scan
format(x, ...)

# S3 method for deep_mutational_scan
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for deep_mutational_scan
str(object, ..., indent.str = " ", nest.lev = 0)

# S3 method for deep_mutational_scan


x, object

deep_mutational_scan object.


Additional arguments.


Indent string for str.


Nest level for str.


  • format.deep_mutational_scan: S3 format method

  • print.deep_mutational_scan: S3 print method

  • str.deep_mutational_scan: S3 str method

  • dim.deep_mutational_scan: S3 dim method